Sound and vision from the past, present and future
Over the last 30 years Stephen Petronio has established himself as one of the most influential names in American dance. His iconoclastic works fuse eclectic elements of pop culture to often explosive effect. He talked to Civilian about some of his landmark productions
Deborah Charles on how Fellini reinvented Rome: "After the austerity of fascism and rationing, La Dolce Vita was sexy, glamorous and magnificent"
How I lost a museum but discovered a city
Is it the world’s most exciting contemporary art institution? Or is it just that all the others are so awful
Civilian arts editor Neil D.A. Stewart looks back over the last 12 months and gives us his take on the most impressive reads of the year
Corinna Tomrley on why the maverick filmmaker means so much to her
From post-Communist Budapest to Carnegie Hall
"A third of my shots were blank frames because the heat had melted the foam bumpers in my camera's shutter"
The new Renzo Piano Whitney in the Meatpacking is the talk of the town. Its exterior spaces are full of tourists snapping the skyline. But what's the art inside actually like?
"It’s a classic Enright line: your shoulders tense up with discomfort even as you’re laughing"
Neil D.A. Stewart discovers the town that Donald Judd built