Trine Hahnemann’s Scandinavian Christmas

My aunt Sarah was from the small island of Ærø, where my father was born and my grandfather lived all his life. She was the only member of my family that made these æbleskiver, which are like light doughnuts with a nice sour surprise in the centre. I’m afraid you’ll need a special pan, but you can buy it easily online.

Trine Hahnemann Scandinavian Christmas recipe

Picture: Lars Ranek



40g fresh yeast (or 15g of dried yeast, if you really have to!)

800ml lukewarm whole milk

600g plain flour

2 ½ tsp salt

1 ½ tsp ground cardamom

2 vanilla pods

3 tbsp caster sugar

4 eggs, separated

2 apples

100–150g salted butter


Icing sugar

Raspberry jam


Dissolve the yeast in the milk in a large bowl. In another mixing bowl, sift together the flour, salt and cardamom. Slit the vanilla pods lengthways, scrape out the seeds with the tip of a knife and add them to the dry ingredients with the sugar. Whisk the egg yolks until stiff, then fold them into the dough. Leave to stand for 40 minutes.

Peel and core the apples and cut into 1cm cubes. Heat the æbleskiver pan over a medium heat. Put a little butter in each indentation and, when it has melted, pour in some of the batter. Place a piece of apple in each and cook for three to five minutes or until golden underneath, then turn the doughnuts over. Continue frying for about four to five minutes or until golden, then remove from the pan. Repeat with the remaining batter. Dust with icing sugar and serve immediately with raspberry jam.