Recipes, reviews, farms and tables
"Bottomless champagne is rarely seen this side of one’s first wedding when daddy is paying"
"I poured the sauce into my dessert spoon and ate by itself, mouthful by sumptuous sticky mouthful"
'I have no idea what made Michelin knock a star off, because this is as good as Cantonese gets"
"It’s a stupendous, momentous bottle but it’s also extremely fun to drink"
"Before I was a member I did accidentally filch one of its bespoke flutes which match the Taittinger BAFTA-labelled bottles"
"Strains of a harp float through the gloaming, revealing fire pits and white marquees in a woodland clearing. This is what a Bollinger Bacchanalia looks like"
"Mention Greek wine to most people and instantly, “It’s not retsina, is it?” is flung back in your face. This Brut Cuvée is such a far cry from the gut-wrencher I brought back from Athens in the 90s"
"Korean food is having a moment. South, I mean. The North is, well, doing whatever it is the North does"
"Some of us start and continue tasting exclusive vintage bottles while others cajole their friends to help multi-buy at Lidl. There is delicious quality to be found in each instance"
"For me it’s all about eating as much Indian food as possible"