Recipes, reviews, farms and tables
"I poured the sauce into my dessert spoon and ate by itself, mouthful by sumptuous sticky mouthful"
'I have no idea what made Michelin knock a star off, because this is as good as Cantonese gets"
"It’s a stupendous, momentous bottle but it’s also extremely fun to drink"
"Before I was a member I did accidentally filch one of its bespoke flutes which match the Taittinger BAFTA-labelled bottles"
"Strains of a harp float through the gloaming, revealing fire pits and white marquees in a woodland clearing. This is what a Bollinger Bacchanalia looks like"
"Mention Greek wine to most people and instantly, “It’s not retsina, is it?” is flung back in your face. This Brut Cuvée is such a far cry from the gut-wrencher I brought back from Athens in the 90s"
"Korean food is having a moment. South, I mean. The North is, well, doing whatever it is the North does"
"Some of us start and continue tasting exclusive vintage bottles while others cajole their friends to help multi-buy at Lidl. There is delicious quality to be found in each instance"
"For me it’s all about eating as much Indian food as possible"
“I grew up without a supermarket on the corner. Despite this, there was always plenty of food on the table, even in winter. So I had to set up my own supermarket to see me through the lean months"