Ways to go

So nearly the best business class seat of all time. But…

So nearly the best business class seat of all time. But…

by Civilian London

"Such a shame. This is so nearly the perfect business class seat"

Blood and guts: On the Pasolini path

Blood and guts: On the Pasolini path

by Mark C. O'Flaherty

“Don’t deceive yourself, passion never gets forgiveness." Mark C. O'Flaherty follows the Pasolini path in Italy, from birth to murder

It takes a Village

It takes a Village

by Mark C. O'Flaherty

"There’s always vintage punk playing on the jukebox, an indie horror film being screened on the back wall, and a portrait of HP Lovecraft surveys the scene from a side wall"

Life on the Nile

Life on the Nile

by Neil D.A. Stewart

"To the shy or less than gregarious among us, the cruise sounds like hell on water"

Why I’m not dumping New York, I’m just getting back with Philly

Why I’m not dumping New York, I’m just getting back with Philly

by Molly Delaney

"I was awoken by my roommate screaming at me, through a cloud of smoke"

Iceland cometh

Iceland cometh

by Derek Guthrie

"Eurovision parties, the kind an erstwhile partner hosts every year, complete with scorecards and flags, are an acquired taste"

Battleship Island

Battleship Island

by Mark C. O'Flaherty

"The violence of the weather, and the mangled ghostly architecture, with its mountains of rubble and rows upon rows of smashed windows, creates something weird and otherworldly. It is The Tempest, rewritten by J.G. Ballard"

Long walks, crash landings

Long walks, crash landings

by Mark C. O'Flaherty

"The wreck itself, juxtaposed with the beach it will never move from, is beautiful. It is ruined and tarnished and weathered and frightening"

Review: Virgin Atlantic – London (LHR) to New York City (JFK)

Review: Virgin Atlantic – London (LHR) to New York City (JFK)

by Mark C. O'Flaherty

"I wondered though – this design has cost fortunes. How many people signed off on it before it went into production?"

Suzanne Moore ❤️ India

Suzanne Moore ❤️ India

by Suzanne Moore

"Being told by an obese mystic that I would probably die in 2019 while my daughter was there was also a little odd"